Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tips for a Flatter Stomach

Tips for a Flatter Stomach
Tips for a Flatter Stomach

How to remove the stomach.

The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas for most of the fairer sex. Moreover, this problem can disturb even those who have no reason to worry about her figure. The fact is that it was on his stomach in women accumulate the most fat.

First of all, I want to warn you that you have never done alone exercise for weight loss stomach. By themselves, they do not help you lose weight. In this case, you face the strengthening and enlargement of muscles, and you may just be left without a waist.

To achieve maximum results , you have to switch from one exercise to lose weight stomach , using for this different amplitude . Consider the most common of these exercises:

• Exercise "twisting"

Its action is directed to the rectus muscles and perform it needs to be with a small amplitude . To do this, you have to lie on the floor and have a good lower back pressed against him . Bend your legs at the knees , elbows, send it to either side and slide his hands behind his head. On the inhale up from the floor head and shoulder , raising its chin up . On the exhale , return to the starting position .

• Exercise "reverse curl "

Like the previous one, this exercise is performed with a small amplitude . Lie on the floor , bend your knees , get your hands behind your head and spread your elbows out to the side . On the inhale , tear off the floor shoulder and head, while lifting the pelvis . On the exhale, take a starting position .

• Raise the trunk

Lie on the floor , bend your knees , get your hands behind your head and spread your elbows out to the side . As you inhale lift your body off the floor and slowly rise to its knees . On the exhale, return to starting position .

• Raise the legs

This exercise is important large amplitude . Sit in a chair and lean on the edge. On the inhale pull the legs to the body , and as you exhale , return to starting position.

• Exercise for the obliques

To do this, sit in a chair and perform oblique twists the body . For the oblique muscles also work all of the above exercises, but they should carry with small spreads .

Remember that these exercises are not recommended for people with a spine. And, of course, do not forget about these additional activities , like aerobics , massage and swimming in the pool.