Saturday, September 7, 2013

Do not get sick ! Aromatherapy can help you

Do not get sick ! Aromatherapy can help you
Do not get sick ! Aromatherapy can help you

Do not get sick ! Aromatherapy can help you

Do not get sick ! Aromatherapy can help you

- When a stuffy nose .

13 drops of essential IMTA pine, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil, 15 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Mix all the oil in the bottle. Apply 2-3 drops on a cotton ball, inhale as needed.


- Blends Massage cough

Mixture lightly rubbed on the chest, back, 1-3 times a day. Mixtures alternate.

Option number 1.

Evalipt - 5 drops Lavender - 4 drops sage - 5 drops tea tree oil - 6 drops lemon - 5 drops.

Option number 2 .

Eucalyptus - 5 drops juniper - 5 drops, thyme - 5kapel, lemon - 6 drops, sage - 5 drops.
The two mixtures were diluted in 100 ml of vegetable oil.


- Acute attacks of coughing.

Eucalyptus essential oil applied to the jugular fossa and massage, a little pushing it, about 1-2 minutes. At the same time put oil on the base of the wings of the nose and inhale deeply .


- Nose drops of essential oils.

Tea tree oil - 3 drops, thyme - 2 drops sage - 3 drops, eucalyptus - 2 drops per 30 ml oil base.


- Inhalation.

Eucalyptus + sage
Eucalyptus Lavender +
+ Eucalyptus and juniper.
To warm inhalations 2-3 times a day.


- For rubbing the chest, back, feet (cough with phlegm).

Eucalyptus, thyme , cedar, ravintsara : in equal parts ; cinnamon (less than half than the other oils).