Thursday, August 29, 2013

Basics of proper nutrition

It is not only the amount of calories consumed , but the balance of proteins , fats and carbohydrates ( BZHU ) BZHU proportions are approximately 2:3:5 , i.e. diet should consist of 20% of fat, 30% protein and 50% from carbohydrates ( averages )

The break between meals no more than three - three and a half hours a day or you'll get 3 main reception and two snacks or five small meals on the number of

Do not eat after 18-00 - is an outdated cliché, the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime , it should be a protein food .

Caloric intake should be either less than 1,200 kcal, since lesser caloric body included in storing mode and stop you lose weight

Breakfast - slow carbs + protein meal - protein + vegetables + slow carbohydrates (optional) , dinner + non-starchy carbohydrates vegetables, snacks - fruit and nuts.

Fruits, especially sweet - they are fast carbs , so eat them separately from the rest of the products to 5-6 pm (except grapefruit) .

Breakfast must not be later than 1-2 hours after awakening.
Do not forget to drink clean water throughout the day, 2 liters of water a day - this is the norm .